
  • 81doltish — adj blockheaded, boneheaded, blockish, thick, thick headed, thick skulled, dense; obtuse, stolid, lumpish, blunt, dull; Inf. dopey, Inf. dumb, dull witted, dim witted, slow, slow witted, half witted; stupid, unintelligent, simple, simple minded,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 82dull — adj 1. unintelligent, witless, slow witted, dull witted; stolid, obtuse, crass, Boeotian, bovine, blockish, lumpish; dense, thick headed, Inf. thick, slow, stupid, Brit., Australian Inf. dill, Scot, and North Eng. dowf; backward, doltish, Sl.… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 83idiotic — adj 1. asinine, anserine, foolish, idiotical; silly, absurd, inane, fatuous; senseless, nonsensical, crackbrained, Scot. doiled, Sl. cockeyed, Scot, and North Eng. glaikit; ridiculous, laughable, risible, derisible, ludicrous, Sl. for the birds;… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 84limited — adj 1. confined, restricted, hemmed in, hedged in; tied down, checked, curbed; constrained, bound, restrained, hampered, cramped; fixed, delimited, delimitated, demarcated; circumscribed, encircled, encompassed, girded. 2. unimaginative,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 85lumpish — adj 1. lumpy, knobby, cloddy, clodlike; heavy, ponderous, elephantine, lumbering; clumsy, Sl. klutzy, lubberly, loutish, oafish; bungling, awkward, ungainly, maladroit, gawky; unpolished, rough, boorish, churlish, peasantlike, rustic; coarse,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 86opaque — adj 1. nontransparent, untransparent, nontranslucent, impervious to light; clouded, cloudy, nubilous, filmy; turbid, dense, murky; shady, hazy, foggy, misty, blurred, frosty; dirty, dingy, muddy, sooty, smoky, fuliginous; dark, black, overcast,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 87silly — adj 1. absurd, inane, pointless, fatuous; foolish, Inf. damfool, Inf. damfoolish, senseless, nonsensical, Scot, and North Eng. glaikit, tomfoolish, Sl. cockeyed; poppycockish, Sl. cockamamie, amphigoric; ridiculous, derisible, risible, laughable …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 88slow — adj 1. not rapid, snail like, going at a snail s pace, tortoise like, slower than molasses in January, crawling, plodding, shuffling; dawdling, lagging, lally gagging; hesitant, faltering, pausing, hanging back. 2. gradual, moderate, leisurely,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 89sodden — adj 1. soggy, soppy, sopping, sopping or wringing wet, wet, dripping; oozy, leaking, seepy, seeping; humid, damp, dank, moist, soupy, clammy, sweaty, muggy, steamy; soaked, drenched, saturated, soused, waterlogged; drowned, flooded, inundated,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 90stupid — adj 1. dull witted, Inf. dumb, unintelligent, fatuitous, insensate, Brit. Inf. gormless; empty headed, brainless, mindless, Rare. insulse; dull, Sl. lamebrained, slow, Inf. dopey, Inf. dill, oxlike; unthinking, unreasoning, incogitant; dim witted …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder