ocular peduncle

ocular peduncle
See: eyestalk [Martin, 2005].
Eyestalk [Williams, 1984].
Peduncle movably articulated with cephalon, with compound eye at distal end, sometimes with two or three segments, sometimes retractable. (Syn. eyestalk) [McLaughlin, 1980].
(Order Decapoda):
One of two eye-bearing, movable projections of head; typically consists of two segments (proximal basiophthalmite and distal cornea-bearing podophthalmite). Segment of head (ophthalmic segment) bearing ocular peduncles is termed acron and is not considered to be true somite. (retractile, nonretractile; two-segmented, three-segmented; clubshaped, conical, dilated, elongate, oval, triangular; pubescent, setiferous). (Syn. eyestalk) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Mysida):
One of two eye-bearing movable projections of head. Consists of single segment and may bear papilla on inner or dorsal surface. (Syn. eyestalk) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Stomatopoda):
One of two eye-bearing, movable projections of medial (ocular) plate of acron. (cylindrical, dilated, subtriangular). (Syn. eyestalk) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Leptostraca):
Movable, eye- or visual pigment-bearing projection on each side of head (cephalon). (simple, denticulate = serrate, flat and crescentic, scimitar-like; with/without ocular scale). (Syn. eyestalk) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Euphausiacea):
One of two compound eye-bearing, movable projections of head. Consists of two indistinctly separated segments and bears photophore. (Syn. eyestalk) [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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