
(female pleopod(s) II). — A plate over the branchial chamber of the abdomen of female janiroideans, consisting of the fused second pleopods. The first pleopods are absent in female Janiroidea. In males, pleopods I and II lock together to form an operculum somewhat similar to that Seen in the females [Wilson, 1989].
In cirripeds, terga, scuta and associated membranes (Balanomorpha) or tergum and scutum of one side (Verrucomorpha), forming apparatus guarding aperture [Moore and McCormick, 1969].
Scuta and terga (balanomorph) or movable scutum and tergum (verrucomorph) and associated membrane, forming apparatus occluding aperture [McLaughlin, 1980].
(Order Decapoda):
In crab-like (brachyuran) decapod, small, lid-like structure serving to close opening (excretory pore) of antennal gland [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Isopoda):
Protective cover on ventral surface of abdomen (pleon); usually derived from anterior pleopod pair(s) or uropods. See: valve [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Cirripedia):
() [Anderson, 1980].
Balanus trigonus: apical view; left lateral view; and operculum, body, and branchiae. [Anderson, 1980]
(Subclass Cirripedia):
In unstalked barnacle, movable, lid-like structure used to close aperture. Consists of symmetrical forms of articulated scutum and tergum closing against opposite scutum and tergum, in asymmetrical forms of movable scutum closing against movable tergum [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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  • Operculum — may refer to: Operculum (animal), a stiff structure resembling a lid or a small door that opens and closes Operculum (gastropod), a lid on the shell of some gastropods Operculum (bryozoa), a lid on the orifice of some bryozoans Operculum (fish),… …   Wikipedia

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  • Operculum — O*per cu*lum, n.; pl. L. {Opercula}, E. {Operculums}. [L., a cover or lid, fr. operire to cover.] 1. (Bot.) (a) The lid of a pitcherform leaf. (b) The lid of the urnlike capsule of mosses. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) (a) Any lidlike or operculiform …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • operculum — ► NOUN (pl. opercula) Zoology 1) a flap of skin protecting a fish s gills, typically stiffened by bony plates. 2) a plate that closes the aperture of a gastropod mollusc s shell. ORIGIN Latin, lid, covering …   English terms dictionary

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  • operculum — n.; pl. opercula [L. operculum, lid] 1. A lid or flaplike cover. 2. (ANNELIDA: Polychaeta) In certain sedentary forms, a modified tentacle that closes the tube; in some Spirorbidae ( Pileolaria and Janua ) enlarges and serves as a brood pouch. 3 …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • operculum — 1. Anything resembling a lid or cover. 2. [TA] In anatomy, the portions of the frontal (o. frontale [TA], frontal o. [TA]), parietal (o. parietale [TA], parietal o. [TA]), and temporal (o. temporale [TA], temporal o. [TA]) lobes bordering the… …   Medical dictionary

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