- ramus
- A branch of an appendage, e.g. the exopod or endopod. (Pl. rami) [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997].A branch of an appendage. (Pl. rami) [Wilson, 1989].Branch of appendage or other structure (e.g., flagellum) [McLaughlin, 1980].Branch of limb or other appendage (e.g., caudal furca) [Moore and McCormick, 1969].Branch of limb; endopod is inner branch and exopod is outer branch. (Pl. rami) [Poore, 2004].(Order Cladocera):Branch of appendage. Refers either to dorsal and ventral branches of antennae or to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of trunk appendage [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Diplostraca):(Order Decapoda):Branch of an appendage, typically referring to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of biramous appendage [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Amphipoda):Branch of appendage. Typically refers to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of biramous appendage (e.g., pleopods, uropods). (one-articulate, multiarticulate) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Isopoda):Branch of an appendage [Kensley and Schotte, 1989].(Order Isopoda):Branch of appendage; typically refers to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of biramous appendage (e.g., pleopods, uropods) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Leptostraca):Branch of appendage; typically refers to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of biramous appendage. (lamellar = plate-like, flagelliform) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Subclass Cirripedia):Branch of appendage, typically referring to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branches of thoracic appendage (thoracopods in ascothoracican, cirri in other cirripeds). (See also caudal ramus) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Subclass Copepoda):A branch of an appendage; the exopod or endopod [Boxshall and Halsey, 2004].(Subclass Copepoda):A group of serially repeated segment elements along a proximodistal axis and originating on the basis; the exopod and the endopod are rami. (Pl. rami) [Ferrari and Dahms, in press].(Class Ostracoda):Branch of an appendage, typically referring to inner branch (endopod) or outer branch (exopod) of biramous appendage (e.g., antenna, mandible, maxillule, pereopod) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Class Remipedia):Branch of an appendage, typically referring to inner (endopod) and outer (exopod) branch of trunk appendage, antennule, or antenna. (See also caudal ramus) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Euphausiacea):
Crustacea glossary. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 2011.