- alimentary tract
- Tubular organ comprising the oesophagus, foregut, hepatopancreas, and hindgut [Holdich and Jones, 1983].
Crustacea glossary. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 2011.
Crustacea glossary. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 2011.
alimentary tract — alimentary canal … Dictionary of ichthyology
alimentary tract smear — noun any of several cytologic smears obtained from different parts of the alimentary tract; obtained by specialized lavage techniques and used mainly to diagnose cancer in those parts • Hypernyms: ↑smear, ↑cytologic smear, ↑cytosmear • Hyponyms:… … Useful english dictionary
alimentary tract — noun tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination • Syn: ↑alimentary canal, ↑digestive tube, ↑digestive tract, ↑gastrointestinal tract, ↑GI tract • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
alimentary tract — n. (Anatomy) intestinal tract, digestive tract, gastrointestinal tract, digestive system s tubular passage through which food passes wherein digestion occurs and from which wastes are eliminated (extending from the mouth to the anus and includes… … English contemporary dictionary
alimentary tract — The food tube traversing the body from mouth to anus; generally divided into three main regions: the ectodermal foregut or stomodeum, the endodermal midgut or mesenteron and the ectodermal hindgut or proctodeum … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
alimentary tract — digestive t … Medical dictionary
alimentary canal — or alimentary tract n. the passage in the body through which food passes and in which it is digested, extending from the mouth through the esophagus, stomach, and intestines to the anus … English World dictionary
alimentary canal — noun tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination • Syn: ↑alimentary tract, ↑digestive tube, ↑digestive tract, ↑gastrointestinal tract, ↑GI tract • Hypernyms:… … Useful english dictionary
alimentary canal — the passage through which food passes and is digested and absorbed; includes the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, intestine and anus. Also called alimentary tract, digestive tract and gut, although the latter two might be more restrictive being areas… … Dictionary of ichthyology
alimentary canal — См. alimentary tract … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology