- endite
- (
) [Holthuis, 1993].
Schematic drawing of a thoracic leg. [Holthuis, 1993]A mesial lobe-like extension of a podomere or such an extension from the axial part of an unsegmented appendage [Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel 1977].A non-specific term to describe a branch of an appendage [Ingle, 1983].Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of first segments of maxillules, maxillae, and maxillipeds. Endites of maxillules may function as auxiliary mandibles. (arcuate, cone-like, digitiform, double-crested, lobelike, subtriangular) [Stachowitsch, 1992].Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of precoxa, coxa, basis, or ischium [Moore and McCormick, 1969].Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of precoxa, coxa, basis, or ischium [McLaughlin, 1980].Inwardly directed projection arising from the basis of an appendage [Holdich and Jones, 1983].Lobe of several proximal podomeres of various appendages [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997].Lobe, usually mesial, of proximal articles of limbs, especially mouthparts [Poore, 2004].Medial outgrowth of the protopod [Brusca and Brusca, 2002].Mesial lobelike extension of podomere or of axial part of unsegmented appendage [Hobbs and Jass, 1988].(Order Cladocera):Inwardly (medially) directed, setose lobe of basal part (protopod) of trunk appendage. First endite typically well delimited, the following endites increasingly incorporated into endopod [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Notostraca):One of five inwardly (medially) directed setose lobes of basal segment (protopod) of thoracic or abdominal appendage. Most distal (sixth) endite often termed endopod. Elongate endites of first thoracopod are termed flagella and may project beyond carapace margin. (lobelike, filiform) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Diplostraca):One of five inwardly (medially) directed, setose lobes of basal part (protopod) of trunk appendage. Most distal (sixth) endite often termed endopod, while fifth may be modified as palp (especially in male) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Anostraca):In thoracic appendage (thoracopod), one of basically five inwardly (medially) directed, setose lobes of protopod. Serves in feeding. (distinct, partially fused) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Class Cephalocarida):One of up to several inwardly (medially) directed, setose lobes of protopod. Termed gnathobase if considered to serve in feeding (e.g., maxillules, occasionally also maxillae and thoracopods) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Cumacea):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal part of appendage, e.g., of maxillules and represents main five-segmented branch of thoracopod (maxillipeds and pereopods) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Tanaidacea):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of mouthpart (i.e., maxillule, maxilla). Basis of maxilliped also bears endite. (simple, deeply cleft) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Decapoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of protopod, typically on maxillules, maxillae, and maxillipeds. (bilobed, entire). See: exite [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Amphipoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal part of posterior mouthparts (e.g., maxillules, maxillipeds). First (proximal) endite may be termed inner plate, second termed outer plate. Shape, degree of development, and armature are of taxonomic importance, (equal, subequal, rudimentary, absent; with spines/setae) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Isopoda):A lobe on the inner (medial) margin of the protopod of an arthropod limb; enlarged anteriorly directed lobe of the basis of an isopod maxilliped [Wetzer et al. 1997].():
Nomenclature of isopod cephalon (A). Examples of isopod mouth appendages: Idoteidae (B, C, F, H); Cirolanidae (D, E, G, I). [Wetzer et al. 1997](Order Isopoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal pan of posterior mouthparts (maxillules, maxillipeds). If endites of first two pairs of mouthparts are paired, one may distinguish a proximal = inner and a distal = outer endite/plate/lobe. (immovable, movably articulated; rounded, cleft) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Isopoda):Medially directed lobe of coxa or basis of an appendage, especially the maxilliped [Kensley and Schotte, 1989].(Order Mysida):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of inner branch of biramous appendage [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Stomatopoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of first two segments of maxillules and maxillae. (bilobed, with terminal tooth) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Leptostraca):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal part (protopod) of appendage, e.g., of maxillules or maxillae [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Subclass Copepoda):A non-articulating, ventral attenuation of a protopodal segment [Ferrari and Dahms, in press].(Subclass Copepoda):An inner lobe or process on a protopodal segment of an appendage [Boxshall and Halsey, 2004].(Subclass Copepoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal part (protopod) of maxillule. Used to clean filtering apparatus in suspension-feeding copepod. (See also exite) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Subclass Mystacocarida):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of protopod of maxillule, maxilla, and maxilliped. (See also gnathobase) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Class Ostracoda):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of protopod, typically in maxillule, maxilla, and thoracopod [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Class Ostracoda):Medial extension (tooth, lobe, masticatory process) of protopod, generally used in feeding. See: masticatory process [Cohen, Peterson, and Maddocks, in press].(Superorder Syncarida):One of two inwardly (medially) directed lobes of maxillule or two to four lobes of maxilla. Also refers to two lobes of first segment (coxa) of maxilliped. (See also gnathobase) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Thermosbaenacea):Inwardly (medially) directed lobe of proximal section (protopod) of mouthpart (i.e., maxillule, maxilla, maxilliped) [Stachowitsch, 1992].(Order Euphausiacea):
Crustacea glossary. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 2011.