
Anterior part of alimentary canal between pharynx or mouth and stomach or stomodeum. (Syn. oesophagus) [Moore and McCormick, 1969].
(Order Cladocera):
Relatively short and narrow anterior section of digestive tract. From mouth, esophagus curves forward, then upward and backward to more expanded midgut. May be highly elongated in certain predatory water fleas [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Notostraca):
Relatively short, narrow section of digestive tract between mouth and midgut. Directed dorsally, then posteriorly [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Diplostraca):
Relatively short and narrow anterior section of digestive tract. From mouth, esophagus curves forward, then upward and backward to more expanded midgut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Anostraca):
Relatively short section of digestive tract between mouth and midgut. Directed dorsally, then posteriorly [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Class Cephalocarida):
Anterior section of digestive tract [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Cumacea):
Short, relatively narrow section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach. (Syn. oesophagus) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Tanaidacea):
Relatively short section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Decapoda):
Relatively short, narrow, cuticle-lined section of digestive tract between mouth and cardiac stomach [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Amphipoda):
Relatively short, cuticle-lined section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach. Esophagus and stomach together form foregut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Isopoda):
Foregut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Mysida):
Relatively short section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach. May be lined internally with posteriorly directed spines [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Leptostraca):
Short, cuticle-lined section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach. Esophagus and stomach form foregut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Branchiura):
Section of digestive tract between mouth and midgut; partially contained within proboscis. (See also foregut) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Cirripedia):
Muscular, cuticle-lined, and relatively narrow section of digestive tract between mouth and midgut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Copepoda):
Narrow section fo digestive tract between mouth and stomach; cuticle-lined, muscular, and basically corresponding to foregut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Mystacocarida):
Anterior section of foregut (stomodeum). From mouth, esophagus curves forward, then upward and backward. Surrounded laterally by posterior part of brain (tritocerebrum and esophageal connectives). May refer to entire foregut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Class Ostracoda):
Narrow, muscular section of digestive tract between mouth and midgut. Cuticle-lined and occasionally armed with ridges or modified into gastric mill. (See also foregut) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Superorder Syncarida):
In anaspidacean, relatively short, narrow section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Thermosbaenacea):
Relatively short, slender section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Euphausiacea):
Short section of digestive tract between mouth and stomach [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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  • Esophagus — E*soph a*gus, n. [NL., fr. Gr. o isofa gos; root of o i sw which is used as future of fe rein to bear, carry (cf. Skr. v[=i] to go, drive) + fagei^n to eat.] (Anat.) That part of the alimentary canal between the pharynx and the stomach; the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • esophagus — late 14c., from Gk. oisophagos gullet, lit. what carries and eats, from oisein, fut. inf. of pherein to carry (see INFER (Cf. infer)) + phagos, from phagein to eat (see PHAGOUS (Cf. phagous)). Related: Esophageal …   Etymology dictionary

  • esophagus — (Brit. oesophagus) ► NOUN (pl. esophagi or esophaguses) ▪ the part of the alimentary canal which connects the throat to the stomach. DERIVATIVES esophageal adjective. ORIGIN Greek oisophagos …   English terms dictionary

  • esophagus — [i säf′ə gəs, ēsäf′ə gəs] n. pl. esophagi [i säf′əjī΄] [altered (after ML) < ME ysophagus, OFr ysofague < ML oesophagus < Gr oisophagos, lit., passage for food < oisein, fut. inf. of pherein, to carry (see BEAR1) + phagein, to eat:… …   English World dictionary

  • Esophagus — Gullet redirects here. For the African sailboat, see Gulet. For the Dutch soccer coach, see Ruud Gullit. Weasand redirects here. For other meanings, see Weasand (disambiguation). Esophagus Head and neck …   Wikipedia

  • esophagus — /i sof euh geuhs, ee sof /, n., pl. esophagi / juy , guy /. Anat., Zool. a muscular passage connecting the mouth or pharynx with the stomach in invertebrate and vertebrate animals; gullet. [1350 1400; < NL oesophagus < Gk oisophágos gullet, lit …   Universalium

  • Esophagus — The esophagus, part of the digestive tract, is a tube that connects the throat with the stomach. It lies between the trachea (windpipe) and the spine. In an adult, the esophagus is about 10 inches long. When a person swallows, the muscular walls… …   Medical dictionary

  • esophagus — e•soph•a•gus [[t]ɪˈsɒf ə gəs, iˈsɒf [/t]] n. pl. gi [[t] ˌdʒaɪ, ˌgaɪ[/t]] anat. a muscular tube for the passage of food from the pharynx to the stomach; gullet • Etymology: 1350–1400; < ML isophagus, esophagus < Gk oisophágos gullet …   From formal English to slang

  • Esophagus — stemplė statusas T sritis virškinimo aparatas atitikmenys: lot. Esophagus; Oesophagus ryšiai: platesnis terminas – virškinimo aparatas siauresnis terminas – adventicija siauresnis terminas – gūžys siauresnis terminas – išilginis sluoksnis… …   Paukščių anatomijos terminai

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