
[Martin, 2005].
See: proctodeum [McLaughlin, 1980].
(Order Cladocera):
Short posteriormost section of digestive tract between midgut and anus; may be associated with single ventral cecum. (Syn. rectum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Notostraca):
Short posteriormost section of digestive tract between midgut and anus. (Syn. rectum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Diplostraca):
Short posteriormost section of digestive tract between midgut and anus [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Anostraca):
Short posteriormost section of digestive tract between midgut and anus [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Cumacea):
Elongate section of digestive tract between midgut and anus. Extends through most of pereon and abdomen and may be coiled in the former [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Decapoda):
Posteriormost cuticle-lined region of digestive tract (foregut, midgut, hindgut). Opens via rectum and anus to exterior. (Syn. proctodeum, proctodaeum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Amphipoda):
Posterior of three basic divisions (foregut, midgut, hindgut) of digestive tract. Cuticle-lined and opening to exterior via anus. (Syn. proctodeum, rectum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Isopoda):
Posterior of two basic divisions (foregut, hindgut) of digestive tract; elongate, typically extending through part of pereon and entire abdomen (pleon). Opens posteriorly via anus at base of lelson [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Mysida):
Relatively short, cuticle-lined section of digestive tract between midgut and anus. Restricted to last (sixth) abdominal somite (pleomere) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Stomatopoda):
Posterior section of digestive tract; follows midgut at level of fifth abdominal somite (pleomere). Opens to exterior via anus on telson [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Leptostraca):
Posterior region of digestive tract (foregut, midgut, hindgut); extends through one or more abdominal segments and opens to exterior via anus. If present, rectal cecum extends above hindgut [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Branchiura):
Posterior of three regions (foregut, midgut, hindgut) of digestive tract; extends through abdomen and opens to exterior via anus. (Syn. rectum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Cirripedia):
Posteriormost, relatively narrow, cuticle-lined section of digestive tract between midgut and anus [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Copepoda):
Posterior of three regions (foregut, midgut, hindgut) of digestive tract. Relatively short, extending only through last two abdominal somites; opens to exterior via anus. Cuticle-lined and equipped with muscles. (Syn. proctodeum) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Subclass Mystacocarida):
Proctodeum [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Class Ostracoda):
Posterior of three regions (foregut, midgut, hindgut) of digestive tract. Relatively short, cuticle-lined, and opening to exterior via anus [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Class Remipedia):
Short posteriormost division of digestive tract (foregut, midgut, hindgut) located in anal segment. Opens to exterior via anus [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Superorder Syncarida):
In anaspidacean, relatively short section of digestive tract between midgut and anus; restricted to last (sixth) abdominal somite (pleomere) [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Euphausiacea):
Posteriormost section of digestive tract between midgut and anus; may give rise to short blind diverticulum [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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