abdominal somite — (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) Any single division of the body between the thorax and telson; a pleomere; a pleonite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
somite — A body segment, especially of the abdomen [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]. Body segment, as in abdominal somites 1 6 [Poore, 2004]. Body segment, especially of the abdomen [Butler, T.H.]. Division of body (head, thorax, abdomen) with exoskeleton… … Crustacea glossary
abdominal spine — (Order Anostraca): Spine shaped projection on each side of abdominal somite [Stachowitsch, 1992] … Crustacea glossary
Somite — Transverse section of half of a chick embryo of forty five hours incubation. The dorsal (back) surface of the embryo is towards the top of this page, while the ventral (front) surface is towards the bottom … Wikipedia
anal somite — Postsegmental plate or lobe bearing anus [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. (Order Leptostraca): Telson. (Syn. anal segment) [Stachowitsch, 1992]. (Subclass Copepoda): Last (fifth) segment of abdomen; bears anus dorsally and pair of caudal rami… … Crustacea glossary
genital somite — (Subclass Copepoda): Segment of body bearing gonopores. Typically corresponds to first abdominal segment, yet also to fused last thoracic and first abdominal somites. May be enlarged in parasitic female. (Syn. genital complex) [Stachowitsch,… … Crustacea glossary
genital double-somite — (Subclass Copepoda): A division of the urosome formed from the genital and first abdominal somites [Boxshall and Halsey, 2004] … Crustacea glossary
uropod — A paired biramous appendage attached to the sixth abdominal somite in all but the true crabs and usually combining with the telson to form a tail fan [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]. An appendage of the last (6th) abdominal segment [Warner, 1977].… … Crustacea glossary
telson — ( ) [Baba, 2005]. Entire animal, right appendages omitted, dorsal view, based on Munida. [Baba, 2005] Last somite of body, bearing arms and commonly caudal furca or pair of cerci, growth zone for postcephalic somites located at its anterior edge … Crustacea glossary
pleopod — An appendage attached to an abdominal segment [Ingle, 1983]. An appendage of any one of the first five abdominal segments [Warner, 1977]. Biramous, often natatory, appendage of pleon [Holdich and Jones, 1983]. Distinctive, usually biramous,… … Crustacea glossary