
Any of lepadomorph capitular plates except paired scuta and terga and unpaired rostrum, carina, subrostrum, and subcarina. Smaller plates in basal whorls below paired latera referred to as lower latera; sometimes all or some absent. Types of paired plates:
(a) carinal. Plate on each side of carina.
(b) inframedian. Plate below upper latus.
(c) median. Plate between rostral and carina latera in forms with paired latera in one whorl.
(d) rostral. Plate on each side of rostrum or below scutum.
(e) upper. Plate in upper whorl between scutum and tergum or carina. (Pl. latera) [McLaughlin, 1980].
In cirripeds (Lepadomorpha), any of paired plates forming part of shell, not including carina or rostrum or opercular plates (scutum, tergum). Includes following different types:
(a) carinal. Plate located on either side of carina, with radii on either side and alae on rostral side; corresponds to carinolateral in Balanomorpha.
(b) inframedian. Plate beneath median latera in some cirripeds (e.g., Arcoscalpellum).
(c) lower. Plate in some cirripeds (e.g., Zeugmatolepas) near basis. (Syn. imbricate plate(s)) d) median. One of series of plates between carina and rostrum which maybe disposed in whorls (e.g., Scillaelepas).
(e) rostral. Plate located on either side of rostrum, with radii on both rostral and carinal sides; corresponds to rostrolateral in Balanomorpha.
(f) upper. Plate between carinal and rostral latera just below opercular valves (e.g., scalpellids). (Syn. lateral) [Moore and McCormick, 1969].
(Subclass Cirripedia):
Barnacle plate: in stalked form, any plate on capitulum except scuta, terga, rostrum, subrostrum, carina, and subcarina. According to position one may distinguish carinal, inframedian, median, rostral, and upper paired latera [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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