Mandibular first molar — Mandibular first molars of permanent and primary teeth marked in red. The mandibular first molar or six year molar is the tooth located distally (away from the midline of the face) from both the mandibular second premolars of the mouth but mesial … Wikipedia
Mandibular second premolar — Mandibular second premolars of permanent teeth marked in red. There are no premolars in primary teeth. The mandibular second premolar is the tooth located distally (away from the midline of the face) from both the mandibular first premolars of… … Wikipedia
Mandibular prominence — Latin prominentia mandibularis Precursor first branchial arch Gives rise to mandible Code TE E5. The mandibular pro … Wikipedia
Mandibular foramen — Bone: Mandibular foramen Mandible. Inner surface. Side view. (Mandibular foramen visible at left.) Latin foramen mandibulae Gray s … Wikipedia
Mandibular canal — Bone: Mandibular canal The permanent teeth, viewed from the right. The external layer of bone has been partly removed and the maxillary sinus has been opened. Gray s … Wikipedia
Mandibular incisive canal — The mandibular incisive canal (indicated here by coral green arrows) continuing anteriorly (to the right) from the mandibular canal (purple arrows) after the mental foramen (light green circle). The mandibular incisive canal is a bony canal… … Wikipedia
Mandibular notch — Bone: Mandibular notch Mandible. Outer surface. Side view. (Mandibular notch visible at upper right.) Latin incisura mandibulae Gray s … Wikipedia
Mandibular fossa — Bone: Mandibular fossa Left temporal bone. Outer surface. (Mandibular fossa labeled at left, third from the top.) … Wikipedia
groove — A narrow, elongate depression or furrow on any surface. SEE ALSO: sulcus. alveolobuccal g. the upper and lower half of the buccal vestibule on each side. SYN: alveolobuccal sulcus, gingivobuccal g., gingivobuccal sulcus. alveololabial g. 1. the… … Medical dictionary
cervical groove — See: carapace groove (c) [Martin, 2005]. A groove or series of grooves sometimes present on the carapace; it is mesially transverse, laterally oblique, and separates the gatric and hepatic regions from the cardiac and branchial regions [Chace and … Crustacea glossary