
() [Holthuis, 1993].
Schematic drawing of a thoracic leg. [Holthuis, 1993]
A decapod gill attached to the coxa of an appendage; "foot gills." [Brusca and Brusca, 2002].
A gill borne on the coxa of an appendage [Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel 1977].
Gill arising from an epipod [Butler, T.H.].
Gill arising from coxa of thoracopod. (Syn. podobranchia) [McLaughlin, 1980].
Gill attached to coxa of pereopod or its epipod [Poore, 2004].
Gill placed on epipods of thoracopods. (Syn. podobranchia) [Moore and McCormick, 1969].
(Order Decapoda):
Type of gill attached to first segment (coxa) or on epipod of coxa of thoracopods 2-7 (i.e., if full complement is present, on all thoracopods except first maxilliped and last pereopod). (Syn. podobranchia) See: arthrobranch, pleurobranch [Stachowitsch, 1992].
(Order Euphausiacea):
Gill [Stachowitsch, 1992].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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