Protocephalon — Protocẹphalon [zu griechisch kephale̅ »Kopf«] das, s, bei Gliederfüßern das vorderste Kopfsegment. Der im Protocephalon befindliche Teil des Oberschlundganglions, das Protocerebrum, ist Sitz der Zentren für die Verarbeitung der höheren… … Universal-Lexikon
protocephalon — n. [Gr. protos, first; kephale, head] 1. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) The procephalic part of the definitive head during evolutionary stages. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) see acron … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
protocephalon — pro·to·cephalon … English syllables
protocephalon — |prōd.(ˌ)ō+ noun (plural protocephala) Etymology: New Latin, from prot + cephalon 1. : the part of an insect embryo that consists of the prostomium and the first postoral somite 2. : the primitive arthropod head correspon … Useful english dictionary
acron — Anteriormost part of body carrying eyes, not considered to be true cephalic somite. (Syn. ophthalmic somite, presegmental region. (Some authors recognize as protocephalon anterior part of head) [Moore and McCormick, 1969]. Anteriormost part of… … Crustacea glossary
cephalon — A term that refers to the head of a crustacean [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. Anterior region of the body bearing the antennules, antennae, eyes, mandibles, maxillules, and maxillae [Holdich and Jones, 1983]. Anteriormost tagma, bearing eyes, mouth,… … Crustacea glossary
gnathocephalon — ˌ ̷ ̷(ˌ)thōˈsefəˌlän, lən noun Etymology: New Latin, from gnath + cephalon : the part of the insect head that lies behind the protocephalon, consists of several fused segments, and bears the mandibles and maxillae … Useful english dictionary
gnathothorax — “+ noun Etymology: gnath + thorax : the thorax and the part of the head bearing the feeding organs of an arthropod regarded as one of the primary body regions compare protocephalon … Useful english dictionary