carapace grooves

carapace grooves
(Order Decapoda):
(a) antennal. Extending posteriorly from vicinity of antennal spine.
(b) branchiocardiac. Oblique groove approximately in middle of posterior half on each side of carapace, separating branchial and cardiac regions and reaching dorsomedian part well posterior to cervical or postcervical grooves; sometimes longitudinal, connecting cervical and postvcervical grooves or extending posteriorly from submedian point on postcervical groove.
(c) buccal. Transverse groove crossing mandibular elevation behind antennal spine, connecting gastroorbital and antennal grooves.
(d) cervical. Transverse groove medially between gastric and cardiac regions, curving toward antennal spine; Syn. , cervical suture, cervical furrow.
(e) dorsomedian. Longitudinal groove extending from tip of rostrum to posterior carapace margin dorsomedially.
(f) gastroorbital. Short, longitudinal groove branching from cervical groove at level of orbit and directed toward it.
(g) hepatic. Short, longitudinal groove connecting cervical with postcervical and branchiocardiac grooves, more or less continuous with antennal groove.
(h) inferior. Extending from junction of hepatic and cervical grooves toward lateral margin, more or less continuous with cervical groove.
(i) intercervical. Oblique groove connecting postcervical and cervical grooves.
(j) intestinal. Short, transverse groove in median part of posterior carapace, interrupted by intestinal tubercle.
(k) marginal. Close to, and parallel with, posterior margin.
(l) parabranchial. Groove below, behind and almost parallel with branchiocardiac and postcervical grooves, joining latter in lower part.
(m) postcephalic. One of three transverse furrows on carapace of many fossils. (n) postcervical. Posterior to, and parallel with, cervical groove, bisecting cardiac region.
(o) sellar. Short transverse groove dorsally anterior tp cervical groove.
(p) submedian. Longitudinal groove in submedian dorsal part, contiguous with postrostal carina.
(q) urogastric. Short transverse groove in median or submedian region posterior to postcervical groove, sometimes joining upper part of postcervical groove [McLaughlin, 1980].

Crustacea glossary. . 2011.

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