cyrtopia — n. [Gr. kyrtos, curved; ops, eye] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) In Euphausiacea, the fifth larval stage in which the antenna becomes modified and ceases to serve in locomotion and posterior legs and gills appear … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
nauplius — Characteristic crustacean larval stage bearing median simple (naupliar) eye and 3 pairs of setose, functional appendages destined to become the antennules, antennae and mandibles [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. Early larval stage having only… … Crustacea glossary
metanauplius — A stage of development between the nauplius and calyptopis in euphausiids. A vestigial abdomen is present [Mauchline, 1984]. Developmental stage following the nauplius larval stage and bearing the same three appendages but having additional body… … Crustacea glossary
calyptopis — First larval stage following the nauplius stage in euphausids, corresponding roughly to the the protozoea stage [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. Larval stage of euphausiids. There are three successive calyptopes, distinguished by the increasing degree… … Crustacea glossary
furcilia — Fourth larval stage in euphausiaceans, marked by movable compound eyes that project beyond edge of carapace [Moore and McCormick, 1969]. Larval stage of euphausiids that has stalked eyes and resembles the adult in general body form [Mauchline,… … Crustacea glossary